
Why not blog it?

  It all seems dangerously brilliant.  She thought to herself for a brief moment, and then turned the page.  What am I feeling right now?  Of course you want to read about the misadventures: the drug fueled, deviant, music plagued existence that I have come to know as home.  A life on the road, surrounded by love and family.  My demented musings generally come to me in spurts of energy found in the wee hours of morning, after a heavy night of drinking. It is when the world spins and comes into focus in one giant jumbled up ramble that pours from my mouth to the recorder, then to torn sheets of notebook paper.  I am still old school in that sense.  There is a certain element that makes it personal when you read it in your own handwriting, it makes it real.  I assure you that things happen out there, that probably should never be written about.  There are things that must be taken into account, with names changed to protect the idiots (I say that because rarely are any of us innocent, nor do we ever care to be.)
  I felt like I should have followed that with a wink of an eye, and continue to spill whatever vomit decides to surface right now.  Ah, the mountains in the morning.  The crisp morning air that leaves a hint of dew across the horizon.  It really is breathtaking.  I was hoping for some red and purple this morning but, I will settle for grays and blues.  It is really the fresh air that brought me outdoors this morning.  So about the music.
  I am not that deep and profound after shows.  I generally take down my initial reactions, as not to forget important details.  Then I put it all away and hope that it was relevant enough to end up in the magazine.  Some things clearly are not.  So, I hold on to those photographs and wait until they become relevant.  I generally keep it pretty raw and simple when it comes to publishing.  As Frank Zappa has said, "Definition of rock journalism: People who can't write, doing interviews with people who can't think, in order to prepare articles for people who can't read." Though I don't necessarily agree 100% with that, there might be some truth behind it.
  I guess here sort of gives me a venue to be a little more honest about things. I will post some random thoughts and photographs here, things that might not show up anywhere else.  Hopefully, anyone who decides to read this will share their thoughts and comments.